Hi Guys

I know its been a long time .I think i have writers block so i have search the internet for some inspiration .It inspired me hope it inspires you.

20 Ways to Find Inspiration

Written by Michael Weaver | Follow me on Twitter | Free updates via Email.
Inspiration is a beautiful thing because every person gets inspired in different ways and by different means. I’ve compiled a list of ways anybody can find some inspiration in their life. Being inspired is a great feeling that isn’t always sustainable – but it’s very important in your life. Think about this quote – “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. Inspiration is the same way – something I find inspiring you might not care about or think twice about. Something that means nothing to you, might mean the world to me. Below is a list of actions, quotes, movies, etc. that you can try – and I’m betting you find inspiration in your own life if you try these out.

Here we go.
  1. Watch the sunrise or the sunset. This gives you a good chance to reflect on the day ahead or behind you. I personally enjoy watching the sunrise – knowing that I have an entire day ahead of me to make the most out of life…

  2. Physical exertion. Challenging yourself physically can be very inspiring and can give you great energy. This also gives you time to do what you feel with your mind – you can think though challenges, or let your mind escape the day to some of your favorite music. I find running to be very therapeutic and often times look forward to getting into my run.

  3. Consult your dreams. It’s easy to get bogged down by the many tasks and busy schedules each week presents to our lives. Take a few minutes each week or every month to really think about what your dreams. I find it very inspiring to let go of what’s bouncing around in my head from the work day to think about the big picture of life.

  4. Travel. Seeing new places and meeting new people can be very inspiring. Even if you aren’t a very social person – take a weekend and put yourself in a different environment that you find to be enjoyable. Some ideas could be camping, scenic drives, visit a local town known for great architecture, walk the beach (if you’re lucky enough to be near one!), etc. I highly recommend international travel if you can, I have found immersion into a different culture to be highly rewarding and interesting.

  5. This image is very inspiring.

  6. This quote. “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” – Maria Robinson

  7. This quote too.“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

  8. Nature. I can find inspiration in all phases of nature. If you give yourself time to reflect, it’s easier to be inspired if you are in the presence of nature. Maybe it’s sitting on your front porch on a nice evening, or in your garage witnessing a driving rain, or taking a walk on a crisp fall morning – you get the idea. Nature is a very powerful thing – think about using some of that power for own benefit!

  9. Get organized. Clean up your office or your house and get organized. File, throw away, figure out what you need, etc. to put yourself in a position to move forward in a positive direction – this will inspire you to take on what’s next. Sometimes clutter and useless stuff lingers in our workspace or home and slows productivity and advancement.

  10. Be a good friend. Give your best friend, your brother, your father – anyone that you have a caring relationship with a phone call or pay them a visit. This allows you to break away and talk about problems, tell stories, discuss frustrations, etc. A good and active friendship can be the source of inspiration.

  11. Be a volunteer. Give an hour of your time to a local organization. You’ll meet great people and have a pure, good feeling that you’ve given your time to help someone in need.

  12. Watch Slumdog Millionaire. A great movie that immerses you in the slums of India and takes you on a journey of a boy’s life and ultimate destiny. If you have not seen it, your local library or Blockbuster (use your library!!) will most definitely have it free for you to rent.

  13. And watch the movie Rudy. If you want to see a great story about someone pursuing their ultimate passion and overcoming every obstacle in their way – watch Rudy.

  14. Lose the routine. Do something out of the ordinary that you wouldn’t usually do – something that’s not in your everyday routine. Wake up extra early and take a walk or get a cup of coffee and think about the day ahead of you. If you’re not a reader, read. If you’re not active, take a walk or go for a run. The options are endless for breaking your routine. And yes, you do have time time because you make the decisions in your life – nobody else decides how you spend your time but yourself.

  15. People Watch. I know some individuals that people watch for sheer entertainment. And yes, it is entertaining. However, as entertaining as it may be – it can also be very inspirational. You get to see how different types of people communicate and react to one another and it forces you to reflect about your life. Give people watching a try, but with the intention of getting something positive out of it.

  16. Read the The Diary of Anne Frank. A Jewish German girl who’s family went into hiding as persecutions against the Jews increased. Anne Frank and her family were trapped in small living quarters for nearly two years – living in fear the entire time. It’s a great story about the power of the human spirit – and seeing the good in life even when you could easily say that everything is wrong. “I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.” – Anne Frank. The book is full of fantastic quotes. It’s a fast read because it is so very compelling. I had the honor of walking through the attic where Anne and her family hid when I visited Amsterdam a few years ago.

  17. This Image. Print this off and post it at your workspace.

  18. Visit the Bookstore / Library. Spending some time around a ton of books is a way to get you thinking about different things. Whatever your interests are in life – you better believe there are some books out there that can expand your thinking and knowledge base.

  19. Finish a 7 Day Challenge. Everybody thinks about things they’d like to do more or less of – it’s natural. Often times you may be thinking about making some kind of change for week, months, even years at times. The easiest and most effective way to get the ball rolling – is to challenge yourself for 7 days. Start small – complete your challenge. Accomplishment is a huge source of inspiration and motivation.

  20. Share. Involve others in your thoughts, feelings, desires, goals, opinions, etc. Invite others to share those things with you. You’ll find that doing this opens up your mind in many ways. Life is a constant learning process. By sharing, you are inadvertently teaching yourself and laying the groundwork for what action you should take next. Sharing helps lay groundwork or a foundation – and I can bet you that you’ll feel inspired about taking that next step off the ground.

  21. Image by rodjbman.
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