How to make your hair look younger

Younger looking hair

Fringes hide a multitude of little wrinkles and blemishes. Sweeping your longish fringe sideways is flattering and does not mean that you need to change your whole style. Very short straight ‘bangs’ can make you look like a strict old fashioned schoolmarm! If you like a regular fringe, get your stylist to make it wispier an slightly irregular.
In the same vein, try to keep your hair soft looking by loosening up your severe buns or pony tails. Tightly tied back hair looks good when you are young and have a finely sculptured face and perfect skin.
Remember the basin cut? That was when Mum plunked a bowl or basin on your head and snipped all around it. This might stimulate happy memories but avoid it like the plague. It is as unflattering now as it was then. You do not want to look like a large button mushroom!
Highlighting can make you look immediately younger. If you are a bit nervous, try the semi permanent dye first, in thin strands.
Dry, brittle hair is really ageing. Constant conditioning and moisturising is a must. How many hundreds of times have you been told THAT?! I hope you have happy hair days these holidays!





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